Know God's plans for the next season of your life?
Connect with God in the time you do have?
Be more in tune with the Holy Spirit?
Have a deep, meaningful, and fruitful quiet time?
Live Life Spirit Led?
The Spiritual Circle Journal is a tool that breaks down a quiet time and teaches a more meaningful, focused, and fruitful prayer life. The result is a closer relationship with God and positive forward motion. And once you get the hang of it, a journal entry only takes about 10 minutes!
The journal’s UNIQUE FORMAT, with its consistent placement of the circles and simple bullet points, makes it easy to connect the dots, see repeated messages, and notice details that are otherwise missed.
The CIRCLE KEY provides detailed journaling prompts for focused prayer areas to help you
connect with God. Four circles are “talking circles” and four-five are “listening circles."
The Spiritual Circle Journal has helped thousands of people learn to become better LISTENERS AND NOTICERS of the Holy Spirit’s daily guidance. This journal will help you process your prayers on paper through the filter of God’s Word with the power of the Holy Spirit.
Try Spiritual Circle Journaling once a week to connect deeply with God, notice patterns, connect the dots of what God is doing in your life, and SEE the next right steps to take.
Ephesians 2:10 - For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
"Thank you for creating the Spiritual Circle Journal! It has truly been a blessing. God has spoken to me so much through the prayers in my journal and I can see what He is doing in my life. Having this nice formatted journal makes my prayer life more meaningful."
Stacey Crabtree - Journal User & Retreat Organizer, AL
Thank you SO much. I didn't know how much I needed this journal to help me with my quiet time. - Kaitlin

I so enjoy this way of connecting with God. It helps take you deep quick! - Audrey

This is a great tool for guiding and structuring your time with God. It makes it easier and faster, but more meaningful! It is structured freedom. - Karyn

This tool is very different than other journals. As Anita Lustrea, the co-host of MOODY RADIO's former Midday Connection show said, “Some hear the word journaling and they kind of tune out in their mind. They think, ‘Oh I have tried journaling. Can’t do it. It just isn’t for me.’ Well this is a different kind of journaling and this indeed may be for you.”
Her co-host Melinda Schmidt contacted journal creator Liz Lassa within hours of her first time using it to schedule an interview. The listener response was extremely positive! Listen to that interview here.
This quote from a workshop attendee proves you don't have to be a journaler or writer to enjoy this prayer tool. She said,
"I hate journaling and I love this!"
5.83 inches wide by 8.25 inches high (a tad bigger than a half sheet of paper folded)
26 Spiritual Circle Journal Spreads with lovely labeled circles (if used suggested once a week it will last 6 months)
74 pages total (on 70-pound bright white paper)
Continuous black binder (so pages don’t fall out)
4 talking circles and 4 listening circles (with "Lessons Learned" 9th circle moved to the bottom)
Updated Prayer Circle Key (on inside front and back covers for easy reference)
"To/From" page for a Blessing (perfect for a sweet message when you gift one)
3-page streamlined Quick-Start Guide (will have new users up and running in 15 minutes)
Sample Journal Entry (wait till you read my personal entry and what God showed me)
Blank page spread between each of the 26 journaling spreads (for journal entry overflow, study notes, art, planning, God-ideas, the parking lot, etc.
20 blank pages at the back (for retreat/conference/sermon notes or anything really)
Tips for Studying God’s Word (can't wait for you to see this helpful addition)
Next Steps & Recommended Resources (listed a few favorites here)
A Servant's Purpose Prayer (so it is always handy to pray often)

The hope and prayer is that kids and teens love this fun design by children's book illustrator Jack Foster. The goal of this journal is to give them clear direction on HOW to have a deep and fulfilling quiet time from a young age.
Parents, Christian school teachers, homeschool parents, and youth/ministry leaders are asked to help kids use their journal once a week to develop a meaningful quiet time habit that makes God more relevant and real in their lives than ever before. Liz's prayer is that they will start to feel Jesus as their friend from a young age, own their faith earlier, and crave their time with Him so it only increases over the years.
Custom Cover feature with clear cover to protect it
Picture Key at front for easy reference
To and From page for gifting
3-page Parent/Teacher/Leader guide
Personal Page for favorites and a selfie
Sample Journal Entry by a 12-year-old boy
66 Journal Pages
66 blank white pages to get creative or paste things
15 Summary Pages with a new character page feature
Wirebound with thick backing for easy writing.
To Order visit the Shop.

Here is a sample entry written by a 12-year-old boy. This journal is recommended for ages 8+, but younger kids can use it if you walk through it and write down their words. It's a fun way to create deeper connecting and learning opportunities with your children.
Once they get the hang of it, you can use your adult version right beside them. Also, teachers and homeschool parents can make an entry a weekly assignment. Monday is a great day for this - while the spiritual food is fresh from church. As they look back over the year their spiritual growth will be very evident and God's care, provision, and guidance will be visible.
If you want to teach a group of children how to Spiritual Circle Journal, I have a complimentary, colorful PowerPoint I will provide for leaders. Email for that presentation.
Jack Foster has illustrated over 50 children's books. He is a Christ follower, father of 5 great kids, and grandfather of 13. He lives in Tennessee with his lovely wife, Aleithia and a cat named Jasper. Jack's books can be purchased by searching his name on Amazon.