Want one-on-one attention to find your life purpose, to help you figure out what's next, and/or to help you reach your goals and dreams? My God-given calling is to help other people to their calling (in all areas of life - or just the one you want to focus on).
I am a Christian Life Purpose Coach and I graduated from Coach U, one of the oldest and most respected, two-year accredited coach training programs. I offer coaching packages or a la carte options to meet a variety of needs. I have the tools and experience to walk beside you as you move into what God has next for your life.
I will give you someone to bounce ideas off of and create the space for you to verbally process how you feel the Holy Spirit might be guiding you in this season. We start each call in prayer and I will be listening for nudges from the Holy Spirit as we discuss your life and can share Biblical guidance as needed.
My marketing/public relations background and women's ministry experience come in very handy because I understand business and people. There is so much value in having a full hour focused only on your needs and having a person who can hold you accountable if that is what you need.
For more information about my background click here.

Focus Session or Sweet Spot Coaching Package
A Focus Session is a 45-minute call and does not require a package. I will help you verbally process next steps that God might be leading and help you leave the call with some viable action steps. If you need another call at a later time, we just schedule it as needed. I love this flexibility!
Cost: $50 (purchase below)
A Sweet Spot Coaching Package is four, 60-minute sessions. I incorporate the three areas of the Sweet Spot - Passions, Unique Core Values, and Spiritual Gifts - to help you create a Life Mission Statement, live with more purpose, and make a deep impact. I teach and coach on each call and walk you through several assessments and processes. Included in this package is a welcome kit with 3 assessments, additional resources, and a prayer card .
Cost: $200 (purchase below)
Contact Liz for availability by emailing HERE.
"You are fantastic at what you do. I feel covered and blessed when we pray before each session. Thanks for listening, teaching, and speaking hope. As I dream and pray about the possibilities of what the future holds, it helps so much to use our calls as a springboard to get where God might want me to go." - Sweet Spot Client

"Listen to My Life" Life Maps (Coaching Package)
free first call, 8, 60-minute calls covering all 8 maps
"Listen to My Life" Life Maps are one of the best Biblical tools to help people follow forward into what God has for their lives. 3 past, 3 present and 2 future maps help people recognize and respond to God through their story. These maps are a huge part of my story and how the Spiritual Circle Journal came into being. I highly recommend them!
On the introductory call I explain how the process works, see if we are a good fit, answer questions, and help you get your maps ordered. They are about $47 with tax and are shipped directly from You can choose to do all 8 maps together, just do the first 4, or pick a few that interest you. They are sold individually too. Whole retreats can be done around one map, so they are a powerful tool used solo or together.
Cost: $300 for all 8 maps, or a la carte $50 per map. You choose which map you would like.
• My Life Now
• My Life Story
• Peak Experiences
• Valley Experiences
• Life Giving Rhythms
• Longing Maps
• Reviewing My Days
• Following Forward
Buy just one LIFE MAPS SESSION. Purchase below after contacting Liz for availability. Click HERE to contact.
“MAPS was the first time I looked at my life from past to present and really noticed how God had been working in every piece of my story. I never knew how much freedom would come from saying yes to this. I am so glad I did!”...."One of the best things I have chosen to do for my spiritual and emotional development.” -MAPS Group Participants