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News & Ministry
covering the last 10 years!
(one page Top 10 of 10 Years in Ministry)

Winter 2023 Speaking Update

WINTER SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS  -  In January I headed down to Dyer, IN to teach Finding God in the Chaos for a Moms of Littles group at Faith Church. In February I was one of three speakers at the First Christ Christian Reformed Church Women's Retreat in Crown Point, IN where I taught Finding God in the Chaos.In March I taught "Reconnecting with God" at St. John's Lutheran in Lombard, IL and in April I'll be at MOPS Immanuel Lutheran Church in Crystal Lake, IL to teach "Finding God in the Chaos." if you need a speaker for an upcoming event. I would love to come minister to your women. 

Wrote 2023 Scripture Reading Plan for Focus on the Family 

Dec. 1, 2022 - I have some exciting news to share! This past summer Focus on the Family (FOTF) contracted ministry partner Stephanie Liles and I to create their 2023 WEEKLY SCRIPTURE READING PLAN for Brio Magazine. Brio is their bi-monthly print magazine for teen girls and they created a special link for us with a nice offer so you can get it in your hands easily.

Brio magazine is a beautiful, faith-filled publication devoted to inspiring and encouraging teen girls to live and grow in their faith. Through lovely illustrations and great photography, Brio builds and boosts reader confidence with exciting, faith-based articles covering topics such as healthy relationships, body image, money, career dreams, fashion, boys, social media, entertainment and more. They also publish craft ideas, drawing challenges, seasonal recipes, and fun activities to do with friends and family!

The timing that FOTF emailed was no coincidence. We had the perfect idea for an overall theme, with monthly themes, thanks to the summer devotional project we had just completed the day before! The plan will incorporate the circles from the Spiritual Circle Journal, written very simply for teens.

In the plan we encourage girls to read the scripture passages at the beginning of the week (about 20-30 verses total), and then journal in the prayer circles at their leisure throughout that week. We just got to see the galley proof. The circles and design looks so teen friendly. I would show you but it’s a surprise!

To get this reading plan for your daughter or granddaughter (or even yourself), you need to get a Brio Magazine subscription by Sept 30th to have it in hand by January 1st. A subscription is $25 for 6 bi-monthly issues, but with this private link you save $5 and get an extra issue free! 

What excites me most is how God might use this project to help a teen really dig into the Word and grow closer to God through the spiritual practice of journaling. 

I love this quote from a mom I saw on their website: "My daughter loves Brio. Her favorite part is the daily Bible verses that she can look up. She reads her Bible every night since she has received Brio. I am so glad I purchased Brio for my daughter. I am so happy there is a Christian magazine for teen girls that can help them grow in the Lord, with all the worldly influences attacking the teens today. Thank you for publishing this magazine." - Review by Elizabeth

10-day Free Spiritual Circle Journal Companion Devotional just for you! 

August 1, 2022 - Can you believe summer is coming to a close? August tends to be that period of time when your summer Bible Study is over and your fall one has not yet begun. That is why it’s the perfect time to share this complimentary, 10-day companion devotional “The Fruit of Walking in the Spirit” to use with your Spiritual Circle Journal.

It was written by a dear friend Stephanie Liles and covers the fruit of the spirit. If you don’t know Stephanie, she has been instrumental in helping this ministry the last few years. We came to know each other in 2020 after God used the spiritual practice of journaling to transform her relationship with God.

She worked behind the scenes on Zoom calls and is a big reason things went smoothly as I taught by video through Covid. She has been teaching Spiritual Circle Journal workshops for the ministry as well. When I asked her to write a companion devotional earlier this year she stepped up and did an amazing job! If you want to download and print a copy, grab it off the home page. Enjoy! 

New Event Flyer for "Better than Chocolate!" for Florida Women's Event this Summer

May 17, 2022 - I created a new flyer for an event I will be doing with East Brent Baptist Church July 7th in Pensacola, FL. I can't wait to connect with these women and help revitalize their prayer life with the Spiritual Practice of Journaling. I can do other speaking events while I am down south if you get in touch soon. I can provide the event flyer, agenda, and promotional pictures to help make your event a success. You don't have to be a women's ministry leader, just a woman called to gather women. Contact me if you are interested. 

Spring 2022 Speaking Update

SPRING SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS  -  In February I headed down to Crown Point, IN to teachGossip Girl No Moreat MOPS Trinity Lutheran Church. Later that month I taught Loving Lavishly at South Park Church MOPS in Park Ridge, IL. In March I taught Finding God in the Chaosat MOPS Avenue Christian Church in Clarendon Hills, IL and in April I taught Loving Lavishlyat Living Grace Community Church in Cary, IL. if you need a speaker for an upcoming event. I would love to come minister to your women. 

New Portable Version of the Spiritual Circle Journal

April 23, 2022 - Do I have a surprise for you! I have been a busy, busy bee (and so have many of my friends who have helped me with this project). Together, with God at the helm, we have put together an “on-the- go” Spiritual Circle Journal. I am loving this new size and have been using it for about a month. I can’t wait for you to get yours.


  • 5.83 inches wide by 8.25 inches high (half sheet folded)

  • 66 pages total (on 70-pound bright white paper)

  • Continuous black binder (so pages don’t fall out)


  • Updated, Coated Prayer Circle Key (inside front/back covers)

  • Gift/Title Pages (perfect for a sweet message)

  • 3-page Quick Start Guide (up & running in 15 minutes)

  • Sample Journal Entry 

  • 26 Spiritual Circle Journal Spreads with labeled circles (lasts 6 months if used weekly)

  • Blank page spread between 26 spreads (for journal entry overflow, study notes, art, planning, etc.)

  • 20 blank pages at the back (for retreat notes, etc.)

  • Tips for Studying God’s Word 

  • Next Steps & Recommended Resources 

  • A Servant’s Purpose Prayer 

A HUGE thank you to my friends and family who helped with this project, and my fabulous printer Tim Andrews at Creative Letter in Elgin, IL.  You ALL made it sooo much better!

RENEW Christian Women's Retreat Jan 10-20

DEC 15, 2021 - I’m so excited to announce that I’m one of the speakers for the 2022 RENEW Christian Women’s Virtual Retreat!  This 10-day experience, can be enjoyed from the comfort of your home. Each one of our 10 speakers will help you recharge your batteries so you can RENEW yourself in mind, body, heart and soul. You’ll get a new 30-minute video each day delivered to your inbox from Jan 10-20th.

We will give you encouragement, strategy and pampering with our sessions. Plus, each speaker has a free gift for you.

Here are a few things to look forward to:

  • Amy Joob will help you get unstuck.

  • Amy Denney will teach you how to bounce back from stress.

  • Liz Lassa will help you tune into the Spirit..

  • Melissa Rohlfs will show you how to break free from the sugar habit without deprivation.

  • Tina Haisman will guide you in renewing the communication in your marriage.

  • Tricia Clarke will open your eyes to what holistic self-care really is.

  • Malia Lym will illustrate the power of routine to support our growth and prayer life.

  • Andrea Fortenberry will help you balance your mom life.

  • Kari Jo Shephard will lead you in Bible-based yoga or fitness.

  • Becky Baudouin will give you the tools to reclaim your joy.

For more information and to sign up, click here.

Get Your FREE Holiday Step-Back Plan

NOV. 16, 2021 - ENJOY the season w/ the updated & redesigned Holiday Step-Back Plan. This 4-page guide helps you make the season more the way YOU would like it to be and helps you get a handle on “to-do’s” so you can coast from Thanksgiving to New Years and have more fun ENJOYING the festivities vs. feeling like a professional juggler. Moms of littles you need this more than anyone. I know because I created it out of necessity when my kids were young. Grab it here. You will be so glad you did!

The Journal Got a Makeover!

NOV 13, 2021 -  It's here! How do you like the cover redesign and new binding of the Spiritual Circle Journal? Pretty & Practical….and just in time for Christmas! It has the following on high-quality paper….

  • the gifting “to” and “from” page

  • my journaling workshop inside as a mini-book

  • the circle key for the 9 prayer areas

  • a sample journal entry

  • the clear cover

  • custom cover option

  • vision board/goals pages

  • resource pages

  • 90 blank journaling pages

  • summary pages, and

  • durable backing for easy writing.

To get it for only $20 you must pre-order it by Dec 1st to get it in time to put it under the tree. 🌲 Bulk rates are also available on the SHOP page. Thank you for all your support of this ministry! 💗 Liz

Fall 2021 Update

FALL 2021 -  It was soooo good to be back in person with you ladies. I got to do all three of my favorite talks this fall. I did Loving Lavishly for MOPS Willow Creek Church Northshore in Glenview, Better than Chocolateat the Women's Iron Sharpens Iron Conference in Moline, and Gossip Girl No More at Chapelstreet Church in Geneva. So thankful to God for the opportunity to collaborate with Him and group leaders to help encourage women. I would love to partner with you too in 2022. Email if that interests you.  

Jan, Feb, March 2021 Update

 Lots of fun things took place the first 3 months of the year. The best part is that if you missed one of my free monthly Journaling Sessions (that are open to all women) they are now available on You Tube. Here is a recap of recent events.  

* Jan 12th I held my quarterly Zoom journaling class called "Processing Prayers on Paper" that is open to all. We had a great group!

* Jan 14th a financial planner held a private journaling class by Zoom for her clients. It was awesome to see her employer was all for offering a Christian event and it was very well attended! 

* Jan 30th I hosted a special new year Journaling Session called "To Plan or not to Plan: the Fine Line between Planning & Living Life Spirit Led.

* Feb 17th I did my Loving Lavishly talk for a Moms in the Middle group at Faith Church in Beecher, IL. I really enjoyed being in person with these sweet women.

* Feb. 20th I had a special guest Michelle Veller

 help host the February Journaling Session called "Soul Care Art Journaling Session." It was so great to see all the meaningful art created during our time together. 

* March 16th I hosted the March Journaling Session session called "Have Hope" and shared about a personal retreat I took and some art I created. 

Christmas Journaling Bundle

DEC 2020 -  For $25 you get a journal, journaling class ticket, and 5 prayer cards. If you want to help someone cope through this rough season with the spiritual practice of journaling, gift a journal and it comes with the class. But only through Dec. 9th. After that the journal will be $20, the class $15, and the prayer cards $5. If you already have a journal and just want the class, you can get that in the shop too.

 November 2020 was Busy!

NOV 2020  -  This fall was full of firsts! I spoke at the Women's Iron Sharpens Iron Conference down near Iowa in the quad cities. I had to navigate having a booth during Covid. 

Two days later I taught a Girl's Night Out journaling class by Zoom for Christ Community Church in St. Charles, IL.  Ladies got to choose between five fun classes. 

The last event for the fall was hosted by two leaders who invited all their friends and family because they are so passionate about prayer and helping women draw closer to God. They met years ago in a Moms in Prayer group and have meet weekly to pray for their children for almost 10 years. Close to 50 women gathered by Zoom. God amazes me every time! 

Last but not least Stephanie Liles joined my team! She taught the journaling workshop in Florida while I was teaching at the conference in Illinois. Stephanie has also taught a few other gatherings and has been such a blessing as she is very tech savvy and helped make these Zoom Gatherings go smoothly. She truly has been a gift from God! 

I am excited to see what 2021 holds. God has used Zoom to break down the barrier of distance so I can share this fast and fun way of connecting with women anywhere. I am so grateful for all He has done and the people he puts in my life to partner with in this ministry. 

Register for November Journaling Session

NOV 6, 2020 -  Our next Journaling Session with our journaling community will be Thursday, Nov. 19th at 7:30 pm CST . Click here for details and to register. I look forward to connecting online by Zoom with you! 

New Promotional Materials for Event Planners

OCT 2020  - I created beautiful new promotional materials for leaders to use with their events.  Below is a social media size post and here is the event flyer. I have made the coloring work great for any time of year and a quick photo change will make it work for any season. I am currently creating a "host materials" page so event planners have a "turnkey" package that makes promoting/hosting a piece of cake. I can even help create registration landing pages for group or private events (see sample) for easy gathering and registration so you don't have to collect money. 

For the new year I have updated copy to go with incorporating the healthy habit of journaling into women's lives. Contact me at if you want to discuss some options for your church or private group. I will do a Zoom Gathering with women anywhere in the country. You can even offer this as a special small group event and bring together 3-4 groups for an online, interactive and fun event!

Women's Ministry Online Event for Missouri Church

OCT 29, 2020 -  It was so fun to teach "Processing Prayers on Paper" from the corner of my bedroom for a group of women at Connection Christian Church in Missouri. Connecting with women is my heart and Zoom makes that possible. It was a pleasure to work with you Shari, Jeff, Kelly, and Stephanie to bring this online event together. I thank God for people like you who are looking for creative ways to reach your women and help them cope through these hard times.

A big thank you for those who prayed for this evening. Your prayers mean so much. Please keep them coming, as I have 3 more events over the next 19 days.

TWO October Online Events! 

OCT 13TH & OCT 26TH  - In October we have two online events. On Tuesday, Oct. 13th I will host my interactive and fun workshop for ALL women by Zoom called "Processing Prayers on Paper" for only $10. Monday, Oct. 26th I will host our next journaling session at 8 pm by Zoom. See this link for all the details and to register.  We hope you can join us!

Journaling Session to kick-off Fall theme - Change

SEPT 15, 2020 -  Change has been constant. We can resist it or we can take it out to dinner. It might have something to offer if we take a closer look. We may be frustrated because there are things we want to change but can't. (can I get an Amen?) We might be stuck in some patterns that are not good for us, our relationships, our career, etc. I am certain we need the Holy Spirit's help for lasting change.

I am doing the new IF Equip study "The Power to Change: How the Gospel Helps Us to Live Differently" because I want God to change some things in me. I will share weekly journaling prompts that line up with the theme of change, the power to change and the prayer “Lord Change Me” in the Facebook Spiritual Circle Journal Community this fall. 

We kicked-off this fall theme with a free 30-minute Journaling Session on September 15th. Twenty women from all over the country participated. For a recap of that session and to participate in the October Journaling Session, join the community group for details. 

The Spiritual Practice of Journaling: Processing Prayers on Paper ZOOM teaching 

MAY 14th & 15th 2020 - I spoke as part of a series on spiritual practices for the women's ministry of South Park Church in Park Ridge, IL. I covered my journey with journaling, 4 formats for journaling, benefits of journaling, & some journaling tips. 

We did an interactive collective journal entry together as I taught them the 9 areas of prayer that apply to any kind of journaling and closed with a lively Q & A discussion. This is a talk I would LOVE to do more often! I can now do it by zoom, which means I can reach women anywhere. Contact me at to teach this talk live or by zoom. 

12-Day Scripture Meditation featured in Focus on the Family's "Appreciating Moms" Mother's Day Online Resource

MAY 10, 2020 -  I was so happy to hear from my contact at Focus on the Family that they were using a devotional I wrote for them in their 2020 Mother’s Day online package. It is 12 beautiful, printable scripture meditations that incorporate the prayer circles of the Spiritual Circle Journal. 

It was written for moms. It is part of a cool “Appreciating Moms” package they did and can be found in the section “How Mom can pour into Mom.” If you downloaded it, I hope you enjoy it!

MAPS Podcast Guest & Tea Time with Trish   

MAY 4th & 5th 2020 -  I was a guest on the Listen to My Life Maps Podcast as I talked with maps co-author Sharon Swing about the Spiritual Practice of Journaling. I also shared about the May Journaling Challenge and encouraged listeners to join the challenge. 

Tricia Clarke invited me onto her afternoon IGTV show "Tea Time with Trish" to talk about the journals as a great Mother's Day present and a tool to help your kids process what they are going through right now. I also shared the May Journaling Challenge with her audience. It was so much fun chatting with both of these wonderful women! 

May Journaling Challenge

MAY 2020 - For the first two weeks of May I held my first ever journaling challenge called #copingwelltogether. In the Spiritual Circle Journal Community on Facebook we connected with ourselves on Mondays with a journaling prompt and a challenge to journal for 10 minutes, we connected with each other on Wednesday with a Facebook LIVE, and we connected with God on Fridays as I held the space to journal with scripture on a zoom call. It was such a joy to get to know members of the community in this deeper way. I plan to incorporate some of these types of things for group members in the future. Join us in the community by clicking here! 

Article in Focus on the Family Magazine April/May 2020   

FEB 21, 2020 -  I wrote this article for Focus on the Family when Juliet was about 5, but it never ran. They recently tweaked it to fit their needs and contacted me to ask if they could run it in the April/May 2020 issue. Of course I said yes! The bullet points in the article are the circles in the journal.

One thing I have learned about kids is that you should teach them young while they are open to it. I often say that you have a window of opportunity to use the kids journal with your children. It is about ages 6-12. For kids under 8 you may have to do it with them, but they tend to love that time with you as you help them fill in the circles!

MOPS talk by ZOOM

APRIL 9, 2020 - We all had to pivot fast due to the stay-at-home order in Illinois. MOPS leaders from Light of Christ Church in Algonquin, IL and I worked together to bring their group my "Gossip Girl No More" talk by zoom. It was not as fun as being in person, but it worked! Grateful for technology! 

MOPS talk in Libertyville, IL   

FEB 21, 2020 -  I loved being asked to come back to present my journaling talk "Better than Chocolate" at Crosslife Evangelical Free Church MOPS. This is one of the coordinators and this picture demonstrates best how much these amazing group leaders juggle as they serve. The co-coordinator said this, "When I want to go deep with God fast, I use Liz's materials." That made my day! So grateful I get to help tired moms find time for God in the chaos of life with littles! 

Connecting Moms talk in Minooka, IL

FEBRUARY 5, 2020 - I spent the morning with a sweet group of moms all the way down in Minooka, IL and presented "Better than Chocolate." Look for a very dry and flat image like this picture/post on the Spiritual Circle Journal Facebook page or @spiritualcirclejournal on Instagram for some deep thoughts and inspiration. 

MOPS talk in Winfield, IL    

JANUARY 17, 2020 -  I presented "Find Your Spark" at MOPS St. John the Baptist. This talk covers Unique Core Values and is the perfect talk to begin a new season. Each mom got to take the values assessment within the confines of the talk, while they had some quiet while their kids were in childcare. 

I encourage people to retake their values assessment every 3 years or so. I just did and it is great to see how things shift based on a season and what God is doing in your life. Then you can use that information as fuel as you focus on areas you feel God leading you to put your energies. Working from our Spiritual Gifts and Unique Core  Values is like high-octane rocket fuel! 

Mom's Connect in Crystal Lake, IL

NOVEMBER 7, 2019 - I reworked my Spiritual Circle Journaling talk for the mom's at Willow Creek's Crystal Lake campus. I retitled it "Better than Chocolate" to help women see that God's daily guidance and direction can help with anxiety/worry and is way better than chocolate (or fill in the blank with any other temporary and unhealthy coping strategy like Netflix binging, shopping, etc.). 

The Spiritual Practice of Journaling, even just once a week, can help bring more clarity, make decisions easier, and help us feel close to God. Thanks Holly Rider for buying every mom a journal for Christmas. So sweet! And yes, moms did all come in to find chocolate scattered on their tables!

Moms Group in Orland Park, IL   

OCTOBER 4, 2020 -  I presented "Gossip Girl No More" in Orland Park this week at the Christian Reformed Church. This group jumped from zero to like 32! They felt there was a need for a moms'g group and boy were they right. The room was abuzz with mom's so eager to be together. 

This is the perfect talk for this newly established group because it put everyone on the same page with expectations around gossip, and guides them if it does rear its ugly head. I love helping God create safe spaces and deep community right out of the gate. My mom was visiting and came with me. That was extremely special because she has taught me so much about deep and authentic relationships.  

Chicagoland Area Leadership Training in Cary, IL

SEPTEMBER 27, 2019 - Friday night at the “Lead Well & Love It!” leadership training in Cary, it rained cats and dogs. We seriously thought a tornado warning might be happening. I even looked over at the host church leader several times to make sure I should stay put teaching. That was a first! 

Grateful to God that we were able to finish and do what he led us to do. Thank you to the ladies who helped bring this special evening together. I loved being with these mom’s group leaders! Praying he used our time together to keep the growth going among these leaders and future leaders.

Lead Well & Love It! in Park Ridge, IL   

SEPTEMBER 13, 2019 -   I led a leadership training Friday night for MOPS and THRIVE women’s ministry leaders at South Park Church called “Lead Well & Love It!” Everyone left with a little door prize of some kind and hopefully gained practical tips that will help them keep growing as leaders. 

Much of what I shared I learned the hard way - from making mistakes and growing through them. The theme was “You Grow Girl!" We used succulents to make the comparison that leaders have thick skin, are hardy, and store up lots of wisdom and God’s Word within them so they can pull it out when needed.  Thank you Joani Heavey & Lindsey Hejza for making such a nice spread of food and creating adorable decorations.  Thank you Pat Moy for bringing the event together. 

Podcast Guest

MAY 2019 - If you know my story then you know that my favorite Christian life purpose tool is the"Listen to My Life" Life MAPS. Sharon Swing, one of the authors of the maps, asked me to do a podcast recently. It was an enjoyable 40-minute conversation called "Liz Lassa Tunes Into God." On the podcast I share a list of tangible ways God has led over the years and offer that information in a 3-page download called "Noticing God's Guidance." You can find more podcasts by the maps authors by searching "oneLife maps Podcast" in your podcast app.

His Picture...both big & small in Champaign, IL   

APRIL 6, 2019 -  I had a great day down in Champaign, IL with a church called Copper Creek Church. I led my turnkey day retreat called "His Picture...both big & small" that teaches people how to see God in their daily life and how that leads to the bigger picture. In the morning session I taught attendees how to listen for God and move forward as he guides using the prayer tool of the Spiritual Circle Journal. In the afternoon session I led them through the first of 8 life maps by to help them see God's bigger picture for their lives. Praying God shows up for each women as she seeks His will for her life in the big and small things. 

Podcast Guest

MARCH 2019 - I had the privilege of being a guest on Tina Haisman's Podcast this month called "How to Increase Your Intimacy with God." It is only 15 minutes. Tina has some other great podcasts as well with a big focus on ways to easily improve your marriage. Just search up "Proverbs 31 by Design" or her name "Tina Haisman" in your podcast app.

CBS Leadership Team Retreat in Lake Geneva, WI  

FEB 23, 2019 -  It was nice to be with this lovely servants team and their leaders from the Community Bible Study Gurnee Chapter. I taught “Tuning into the Spirit” for their leadership retreat of 18 women at the Ridge in Lake Geneva. As I was leaving they gave me a sweet card signed with little messages from each of the attendees. It was so encouraging. I will treasure it forever.

Moms in the Middle, Faith Church, Dyer, IN

JAN 24, 2019 - I was with a great group of moms down in Dyer, IN teaching them how to “Find God in the Chaos.” The thing I heard most from them was they were glad to realize they could find time for some time with God. Thanks Cherilyn for asking me to come back. Loved being with them!

What's Your Focus? in Park Ridge, IL   

JAN 12, 2019 - What a fun day of reflecting, creating and fellowship so 60 women could seek God’s word for the year at South Park Church. Thanks to all those who made this day possible using their gifts in different ways from cooking to creating the beautiful space and agenda, to sharing their one-word stories to running to Michael’s for last minute supplies. At each table women were transparent and real during sharing times. It was a joy to be asked to lead a small portion of this annual event!

FREE Holiday Step-Back Plan Printable

NOV  19, 2018 - This is the printable that helps you get organized so you can really enJOY the holiday season. 

MOMS Embrace Group in Crystal Lake, IL  

NOV 15, 2018 - I spoke at a Mom's group called Embrace in Crystal Lake and did the "Finding God in the Chaos." They asked me for a scripture to go with my talk. I close with Hebrews 11:6 about how God rewards those who earnestly seek him. I believe He does that in many ways, but especially with his presence and guidance. I admit life can get crazy and it makes it so hard to carve out time with God, but many feedback forms said things like - I have been overthinking time with God. It can be more simple than I make it. I am glad they got the whole point and how the journal format can help. 

St. Teresa of Avila Guild  at Mary Seat of Wisdom in Park Ridge, IL

NOV  7, 2018 - I have a love for facilitating deep conversations and smaller groups of women provide an opportunity for real, deep, and intimate conversation. That is why I really enjoyed speaking at the St. Teresa of Avila Guild at Mary Seat of Wisdom. They chose the "Gossip Girl No More" talk too and the discussion got us all thinking deeply. I would love all women in American to hear this topic. It sets the expectation for the whole group as a gossip-free zone, answers hard questions, and helps women hold each other accountable to being the light of the world in their every-day conversations. 

MOPS Talk in Barrington, IL  

OCT 26, 2018 - "Gossip Girl No More" was the topic of choice for the MOPS group of Willow Creek Community Church in Barrington. Since it was so close to Halloween all the kids and moms dressed up and they had a costume contest. My favorite costume was Ursula from Little Mermaid and the No Drama Llama. She went so well with some points I made in my talk. "Be unoffendable" is one of my best pieces of advice that I share in this talk. It saves so much time, energy and drama! You can hear the audio of this talk on this page.

MOPS Talk in Palos Heights, IL

OCT 18, 2018 -  I kicked off the ministry season with 
"Gossip Girl No More" at the Christian Reformed Church MOPS group in Palos Heights. I have spoken there before and felt so at home. This year the MOPS theme is "Find Your Fire." I always love to see how groups decorate their tables to go with the new theme. This centerpiece is adorable! And these women can be the flame that starts a fire in their circles as they use their words wisely and become part of the solution, not the problem. I hope to visit this group again. Thanks Carolyn for asking me back.   

"Tuning Into the Spirit" Mini-Retreat

Lakeland Church, Gurnee, IL 

MAY 19, 2018 - I spoke to a group of about 50 women at a church in Gurnee, IL. I met their leader Kate Balasa when she attended a retreat last May. I loved facilitating and leading this retreat! The group was so interactive and they shared such wise words of wisdom that benefitted all. And I love when the ripples continue. I am excited that two leaders who attended that day booked mini-retreats for early 2019. Thanks ladies for making me feel very welcome!

Teen Mother's Choice Fundraiser

Crown Point, IN

MAY 5, 2018 -  I felt so blessed to participate in this wonderful fundraiser for Teen Mother's Choice in Indiana. This one was a bit different because the ladies got to pick 2 spa services and one class, and it was held at a Christian school. Also, it was different because my retreat partner Tamara was not available to teach. In fact, Tamara is going back to school to get her masters in teaching (she is amazing with kids and has subbed almost full time the last few years). She feels God leading her to take a break from retreats to focus on school and subbing for now. 

So with Tamara's encouragement I asked our amazing and creative friend Joani Heavey who has been to several  retreats, has worked our booth at the Hearts at Home conference, is a retired music teacher, and who does Bible Journaling, Art Journaling and Circle Journaling regularly to teach with me. She said YES and did a great job on the art part! It was one of the best run events I have ever participated in thanks to Janell Rottier and the whole team of amazing volunteers.  Thanks Joani for being open to let God use you!

Free to Be Me - Breakout Speaker

South Park Church Women's Retreat

Delavan, IL

APRIL 14, 2018 - This retreat was super special in many ways. Not only did I get to teach my "Free to be Me" Core Values workshop for my church at their Living Free Retreat in WI, but I got to teach alongside some of my dearest friends who were all speaking on topics they are passionate about like Core Fears, "Listen to My Life" Life Maps, and creating a space to be creative during their time with God.  It was like the sweet spot with sugar on top! Thanks ladies for asking me to be a part of this fun weekend! 

MOPS Talk in Park Ridge, IL

MARCH 7, 2018 -  I spoke at South Park Church MOPS, a group where I was a member for 9 years and a steering member 3 of those years. The topic was called “Free to be Me” and it was my Unique Core Values talk. At least 50 moms took the values assessment in the middle of the talk and left with their top ten values. Praying they find ways to weave their values into their daily lives in big and small ways so they can be better wives and moms, and become who God made them to be.   

St. Anne's Guild - St. Paul Catholic Church 

in Park Ridge, IL 

FEB 6, 2018 - I had my shortest drive ever to a speaking event. I did my "Finding God in the Chaos" talk for a guild in town. We met in a home a few blocks away. The technology failed us and we were packed in tight, but that did not matter at all because where two or more are gathered...

This is a shot of some of us after the meeting. The women in this group were so lovely and I could feel the deep bonds between them.  The timing was perfect with Lent starting the following week. I made a page specifically for this group with some great resources.  Karen Dort thanks for asking me to join your ladies!

MOPS Willow Creek Community Church Leader Retreat in Barrington, IL

SAT, Jan 20, 2018 - I have such a heart for leaders so I was thrilled when the Willow Creek MOPS leaders asked me to do my 2-hour "Finding God in the Chaos" mini-retreat. It was a fun morning and my favorite feedback form comment was, "I loved this (and I hate journaling)!" I always say this may be a journal because it involves a pen and paper, but it is not about journaling at all. It is about connecting deeply with God in a way that makes it simple and easy to see His guidance in our lives. Thank you Jenni Von Tobel for helping to bring this morning together.   

FREE Holiday-Step Back Plan Printable

NOV. 8, 2017 - I can't believe it is that time of year already! Time to start making your Holiday Step-Back Plan so you can coast from Turkey Day to New Years and actually enJOY this time of year.  For some of us this time of year brings feelings of overwhelm instead of the excitement we wish it did. This printable will help you get it all under control so you can create magical memories and celebrate the birth of Jesus with sincere joy in your heart because you can focus on Him, instead of all the other stuff. (Take Note: Spiritual Circle Journal orders must be placed by Dec. 11th to receive in time for Christmas.)

His Picture...both Big & Small Retreat in Medford, NJ

FRI. & SAT, Nov 3-4, 2017 - Almost 50 women attended a two-day retreat in Medford, NJ at Fellowship Alliance Chapel called "His Picture..both big and small." On Friday night I helped them learn to see God's leading in the daily and weekly stuff using the Spiritual Circle Journal (the small picture). Saturday morning we did an exercise called Picture Me and then we did the first "Listen to My Life" Map called "My Life Now" to help them see the bigger picture of how God might be leading in their lives. Ladies who want to continue doing the other 7 maps that help them recognize and respond to God through their story have the opportunity to do so and will be led by women at their church. Thanks Jennifer Green, Carol, Debbie, and Monica for bringing this fun few days together. 

MOPS talk in Crystal Lake, IL 

OCT. 24, 2017 -This is a candid shot I took after I spoke at the Immanuel Lutheran Church MOPS group in Crystal Lake, IL. They meet in a Christian school library. Goes to show God can make any space work for moms to gather and support each other. I loved that they had a mentor in a chair in a private area waiting to pray with moms before & after the meeting. My topic was "Gossip Girl No More." A mentor was a good sport and did a fun skit with me. I was thankful it went well and the comment I saw at least three times on feedback forms was "everyone needs to hear this talk." 

MOPS talk in Cary, IL

FRI., Oct. 6, 2017 - I presented a new talk called "Gossip Girl No More" to the Living Grace Community Church MOPS group in Cary, IL. The first time you do a talk you always wonder how it will come together and flow. Based on all the good discussion and great questions at the end, I think it was a topic that was well received. One mom wrote on her feedback form, "Every woman could use this presentation" and another said, "Great topic that is rarely discussed." So excited to be doing it again for another MOPS group next week!

Illinois Christian Home Educators (ICHE) Conference in Wheaton, IL  

JUNE 1, 2017 - I had the joy of speaking to men, women, and children at the ICHE State Conference. They asked me to be a Funshop speaker, meaning they wanted me to share the Spiritual Circle Journals (both kids and adult versions) as a fun and fresh new way to connect deeply with God. I loved teaching the children that God has a plan for their lives and that they must be listening for His daily guidance in the small stuff to see His bigger picture. I shared how the five listening circles helps them connect the dots of what He is trying to do.  A woman who attended sent me this message, "It was my favorite class at the conference! You did a great job. Thank you!" Praise God for bringing us all together and giving me the words He wanted me to share.

Mini-Morning Women's Retreat to teach Spiritual Circle Journaling with Holy Yoga

SAT., May 20, 2017 - I was very excited to do a morning retreat for the women at St. Thomas of Villanova in Palatine, IL with Holy Yoga Instructor Nancy Loessl. This was my first time partnering with a yoga instructor and I loved it! I taught them how to "Find God in the Chaos" of their busy lives with the 9 prayer circles of the Spiritual Circle Journal that helps bring focus to their quiet time.  My two-hour session was followed with an hour of yoga to praise music and scripture. I changed into my yoga clothes and joined the fun! Thank you Rachel Bertrand for organizing this gathering. If you are interested in a fun evening or morning like this, see the event flyer I provide and contact me at It is so easy to do a gathering like this!

Hearts at Home National Conference in Peoria, IL 

THUR, FRI., SAT April 20-22, 2017  - Artist and Retreat Partner Tamara Peterson and I had a blast in our booth at the 2017 National Hearts at Home Conference in Peoria, IL. We met so many wonderful women and we loved our "neighbors" from nearby booths.  Many signed up for the free kids devotional we offered that goes with (or without) the Spiritual Circle Journal for Kids. We had over 30 requests for speaker information so we hope to really get to know some of those ladies as we work with them to bring these two fresh and fun ways of connecting with God to their women. The Hearts at Home staff was amazing and a pleasure to work with. Praising God for a wonderful event and safe travels! 

MOPS Talk in Elmhurst, IL

TUES., April 4, 2017 - MOPS moms at a group in Elmhurst, IL learned what "What Makes them Tick" as I shared my talk about the importance of knowing our Unique Core Values. They were given time to take the values assessment I use with my clients. My favorite part was the interactive time at the end where women shared what they discovered through the talk and taking the test and how they might be able to incorporate their clearly defined values into their lives - making them better moms, wives and women! 

MOPS Talk in Clarendon Hills, IL 

THUR. & FRI March 9th & 10th, 2017  - The MOPS group from Christian Church of Clarendon Hills asked me to speak on the topic, "Finding God in the Chaos." Praying they will crave the two-way communication God wants with His children even more after hearing my story and that they will be better listeners as the Holy Spirit guides after learning the five listening circles. Their Coordinator Britta is pictured with me. Read my Instablog post on Instagram from this day for some encouragement.  

MOPS Talk in Oak Brook, IL

WED., Feb. 22, 2017 - I presented "What Makes You Tick" to a large MOPS group at Christ Church of Oak Brook. I helped them understand how God wired them by teaching them about unique core values - what they are, what they are not, why it is important to know our values, and we talked about the need to incorporate them into daily life. I gave them a values assessment that they took mid-meeting. I left them with a few fun, tangible things they could do at home around this topic. One feedback form said, "This made me evaluate my life and think about what is important to my family and I." Praying the results are better moms, wives, and families!

MOPS Talk in Dyer, IN

THUR. & FRI., Feb. 9th and 10th, 2017 -  I spoke to about 100 moms total at Faith Church MOPS in Dyer, IN just before Valentines Day. I prayed God would give my words wings and that He would help me connect deeply with these women and they would feel His love. I felt God answered that prayer and felt His presence big time as I spoke, especially during the 10-minute quiet time when we played worship music and gave them space to be with God as they gave Spiritual Circle Journaling a try. Please pray women are desiring a thriving relationship with the Lord who wants to Hug them. I left feeling that was a huge part of my purpose for being there. Praying some did as I suggested and talked with MOPS leaders about how to have a relationship with God if they don't currently have one. 

Confirmation Day Retreat

SAT., Jan. 21, 2017 - Tamara Peterson and I were honored to be asked to lead this confirmation retreat for about 75 ninth Graders at a parish in Arlington Heights, IL. It was different than other retreats because there were teen girls AND boys. Man did those kids love paint and they used tons of it! It was fun to watch them create their canvases. We pray they learned some prayer guidance and tools that will help them learn to recognize the Holy Spirit's guidance in their lives, know Him better, and move into what He has for their lives. This boy's canvas with the car proves he got the point we drove home. It says, "God has a plan for where He wants YOU to go!"

Seeking God Retreat in St. Charles, IL

JAN. 14, 2017 - Tamara Peterson and I spoke at a "Seeking God in Fresh New Ways" retreat in St. Charles, IL hosted by Mary Miller. It was a great day with about 20 women and some teen girls. Tamara was very sick with a horrible cold, but thanking God that she was able to speak. Mary Miller is an amazing lady who wanted to bring this retreat to her friends this January so, by the grace of God, we pulled this day together in record time (like about 5 weeks). I had two firsts that day - holding a chameleon and hosting a retreat in a home (normally they are at churches & retreat centers). We loved having some teen girls there with us that day. They added so much to the event.

MOPS Talk in Forest Park, IL

NOV. 18, 2016 - I spoke at First Presbyterian Church for a MOPS group of about 40 moms on the topic "Finding God in the Chaos." I had lots of tech issues that day due to an old sound/video board, but their steering member rocked and saved the day as much as possible. Always love watching volunteers serving in their gifts. During the built-in quiet time session I was able to visit with one of their pastors and see an 8-day old precious baby! It is always a joy to do this work God has called me to. I actually tear up as I talk to God on my way to speak because I feel so thankful to be doing this with Him. One mom came up to me at the end and said something like this, "You actually took all that stuff that goes through our head and put it in a format that makes sense of it all." All the credit goes to God as the one who answered my prayer to help me find a way to find Him in my "new normal" with three kids.

MOPS Talk in Libertyville, IL

NOV. 4, 2016 - I spoke to about 55 MOPS moms who meet at Crosslife Church in Libertyville, IL. It was another gorgeous fall day and the Cubs just won the world series so we were all in a fabulous mood! I taught them how to "Find God in the Chaos"  in the small pockets of time they could find. One mom said, "This gave me a format to connect with God in a way I can actually do even in the middle of life's chaos." Another said, "Great resource to keep my time with God fresh and real." Thankful that God is faithful and shows up every time we do this talk together. I love working with Him and praise Him every time I get to share this with others who might need it.

MOPS Talk in Richland, MI

OCT. 27, 2016 I headed to Richland, MI with my dear friend Joani to speak to a MOPS group. We stayed with her daughter-in-law Kim who is a MOPS Coordinator and son Jeremy in their beautiful farmhouse. Kim and her daughter both have journals and they wanted me to teach "Finding God in the Chaos." The 45 MOPS moms were awesome and based on their feedback forms and how many got journals for their prayer time, they totally got it! That makes me so happy so see women excited to spend time with God in the midst of the chaos of little ones. Praying they flourish as they spend time with God in the 9 prayer circles.

New Retreat called Pathways & Rhythms

OCT. 15, 2016 - Artist Tamara Peterson and I presented our new retreat called "Pathways & Rhythms" at St. James Parish in Arlington Heights, IL. I shared the 9 Spiritual Pathways from the book Sacred Pathways and taught attendees how to complete the Life-Giving Rhythms map from the Listen to My Life Maps. Both helped people see how they might best connect with God based on how He made them. In the afternoon Tamara taught Spiritual Art Journaling and the ladies made a canvas the represented their Spiritual Pathway & Life-Giving Rhythms. It was a meaningful day that got everyone thinking about their relationship with God and how they might deepen it.

MOPS Talk in Highland, IN

SEPT. 20, 2016 - I was the kick-off speaker for the MOPS Faith Church in Highland, IN with the "Starry Eyed Moms" talk. These steering team ladies were awesome and I loved the theme T-shirts with Psalm 147:4 on the front. More than 70 kids were in MOPPETS while about 60 moms enjoyed some down time. Despite a week of eye infections, a major life decision (my husband just accepted a job), and 4 talks in 11 days, it turned out to be a pretty good morning. I loved sharing many of the things that have helped me over the last 15 years of mothering. Praying God's light shines out of MOPS leaders all over the world into the hearts of new moms who need friendship and community.

MOPS Talk in Palos Heights, IL 

SEPT. 15, 2016 The MOPS group at Christian Reformed Church in Palos Heights, IL had me in to share a new talk I created called "Starry Eyed Moms" to go with the MOPS theme this year called "We Are The Starry Eyed." I pulled out words from the theme video and we talked about simple ways we can be moms of wonder and kindness, who shine bright in the midst of our crazy lives with kiddos. 

CBS Homeschool Class Workshop