• Say YES to God!
• Finding God in the Chaos!
• Processing Prayers on Paper:
the Spiritual Practice of Journaling
• Better Than Chocolate!
• Tuning Into the Spirit!
• Reconnecting with God
All these talks will help women learn how to connect the dots of the Holy Spirit's daily guidance even if they never pick up a pen!
30, 40, 70, 90, or 120 minutes with an interactive collective journal entry and time built in for 10-30 minutes with God if there is enough time. In person or by Zoom.
Does life get so busy that God often ends up at the bottom of your list?
What if you were able to find a way to meet with Him deeply in the small pockets of time you can find? What if you could grow your capacity to listen for God’s still small voice as he helps you become the wife, mom, and leader you want to be?
Join Spiritual Circle Journal Creator Liz Lassa as she shares how God revitalized their relationship when her third child was 19 months old. She will walk you through a simple ten-minute prayer journaling exercise that uses bullet points in prayer circles
You will leave more equipped to cast off anxiety and live life in the present as you follow God’s daily guidance. If you’re ready for a more fulfilling, fun, and fruitful relationship with God don’t miss this talk!
Finding God in the Chaos!
To be the kind of wife, mom, friend, and/or leader we want to be we must find a way to connect with God. We need His daily direction, love, and help. But how do we do that when our lives are so busy or we have littles underfoot? Join Spiritual Circle Journal creator Liz Lassa as she shares how God:
met her right where she was at when her third child was a baby.
gave her a simple, fast, and deep way to connect with Him in the small pockets of time she could find
revitalized their relationship.
Liz will walk us through this ten-minute interactive quiet time exercise that uses bullet points in prayer circles. You will leave a better noticer of the Holy Spirit’s daily guidance and be able to connect the dots of that guidance even if you never pick up a pen!
"I love this way of connecting with God. It helps take you deep quick!"
Processing Prayers on Paper: The Spiritual Practice of Journaling
Join us as we dig into the spiritual practice of journaling and help you find a format that works for you! In this interactive workshop journal creator Liz Lassa will share:
her story of how God used journaling to deepen their relationship.
1 - 4 ways to journal depending on timeframe (including her fast and simple format called Spiritual Circle Journaling).
how journaling can help you notice God's guidance and live a more Spirit-led life.
journaling tips that make it all so fun!
You will leave inspired to spend time with God and learn how to process your prayers on paper through the filter of God's Word with the power of the Holy Spirit!
"I have attended this conference every year, and your breakout was the best one I have ever heard!"
Better Than Chocolate!
When life doesn't go as planned do you reach for chocolate, Netflix, shopping, etc.? What if you craved time with God more than any of those things? What if ten minutes helped you:
feel less anxious & cope in healthier ways
have a deeper, more meaningful & fruitful quiet time
learn to listen for the daily guidance of the Holy Spirit?
Join Liz Lassa for an interactive and fun evening as she teaches 1-4 different journaling formats, including an effortless, and fast way to process thoughts and prayers called Spiritual Circle Journaling. One of these formats is sure to resonate! She will also share her story of how God used the spiritual practice of journaling to help her connect deeply with God in the chaos of life with three young children.
"I got so much out of your presentation that I could leave this conference right now completely satisfied." (and it was only noon)
Tuning Into the Spirit!
Noticing God’s leading and movement in our lives is not easy. What if a ten-minute spiritual practice could help you:
be a better noticer?
become more aware of the guidance of the Holy Spirit?
live life Spirit led so you can move into what God has next?
Join Liz Lassa for an interactive and fun evening as she shares how God used journaling to revitalize their relationship and teach her how to notice His movement in her life during a busy season of motherhood.
She will walk you through a fresh, fast, and fun exercise called Spiritual Circle Journaling that uses bullet points in designated prayer circles to examine your heart. You will learn how to connect the dots of God’s daily guidance even if you never pick up a pen!
Reconnecting with God
Do life's demands leave you little time for God? Do you feel like it's a daily
challenge to have a deep, meaningful, and fruitful quiet time? Do you
sometimes wish you were more in tune with the Holy Spirit? Could your
prayer life use a little refresh?
If so, come hear how God came to Liz Lassa's rescue as she struggled to
find time for Him after her third child. She will teach Spiritual Circle
Journaling - a simple, fast, and fun prayer tool that helps you connect
deeply with God in 10 minutes using bullet points in prayer circles.
Plus learn how to notice God’s daily guidance so you can make decisions with
more confidence. This fun and free evening is for women of all ages. You are
welcome to invite a friend!
More Comments from the Crowd...
"This is an excellent way to SEE what God is doing in your life." (so you know which way to go next)
"Liz teaches you HOW to walk with God."
"Great tool for guiding your time with God. Makes it easier and faster, but more fruitful and meaningful."
"Great mini-retreat for all stages of faith! "

Gossip Girl No More
Is creating a gossip-free zone that fosters safe and loving community possible? Yes! Join Liz Lassa as she talks about the tough subject of gossip in a way that leads to life change.
She will help us:
1) recognize gossip
2) identify where we struggle with it
3) understand why we do it and
4) provide productive ways to deal with it.
Since gossip is sometimes rooted in conflict, Liz will also cover the concept of being unoffendable and teach simple but effective conflict resolution skills.
"Everyone needs to hear this talk, both young and old! - MOPS Mentor

Loving Lavishly (not offered 2023-24)
What would our lives look like if we asked God each morning to show us ways to love Him and others lavishly? Join ministry leader Liz Lassa as she unpacks the topic of loving lavishly in a practical, yet deep way. She will help us see simple, daily opportunities to love that we might be missing. The effects of that kind of love could make ripples that never end. (Alabaster Jar story from Mark 14 taught in depth)
“This message left us all encouraged to look for ways to show love, have faith, and use the gifts we already have." - Mom's Group Coordinator
"I loved this talk and truly felt like Liz was very relatable and felt like a friend talking to us." - Audience Member

Lead Well & Love It
(Mom's Group Leadership Training)
This is the training Liz wished she had when she stepped into leadership over 12 years ago! This training is designed to prepare both new and experienced leaders for the challenges they will face.
Liz will:
1) teach effective communication and valuable lessons learned on the front lines as a leader and MOPS coordinator
2) give you tools for facing difficult situations with wisdom and grace and
3) help you build a strong group for years to come.
Having the whole team start from the same page, despite different backgrounds and experiences, makes for a more joyful serving experience and better teamwork.
This talk is not about roles and responsibilities, but about how to lead well in various situations. At the close of every steering year Liz reflected on all that God taught her as a leader, often through mistakes.
The result was seven pages of "lessons learned" that she passed to future leaders who said the information was invaluable. This talk is about becoming leaders others want to follow so that others want to follow God with all their heart. This training prepares leaders so they can lead well and love it! (60 minutes w/ Q & A)
"I can't thank you enough! I keep getting emails from women about how beneficial the training was. It was a special morning."
- MOPS Coordinator
""This was great! We connected and grew as leaders. It opened us up for a great follow-up conversation and continued training."
- MOPS Table Leader Coordinator"
"You were an awesome Booster President Liz. You led with kindness and compassion and never seemed to get flustered - all traits of a leader I want to work with." - Board Member

His Picture...both big & small
(2-minute promotional video for day retreat)
God guides. God speaks. But we have to ask for his help daily and learn to be better listeners. Join us for an interactive retreat that will help you combine your daily choices with God’s bigger picture. Christian Life Purpose Coach Liz Lassa will teach us using two life-changing and tangible prayer tools that make this simple. You won’t want to miss His picture for your life!
The 1st session is her "Tuning Into the Spirit" talk that teaches listening for the Lord's guidance with the help of the Spiritual Circle Journal. In the 2nd session she teaches the "My Life Now" map and gives the women time to complete it and then come back and process it together in triads. The purpose of the maps are to help people recognize and respond to God in their story.
Note: Liz is a Life Maps facilitator. During this retreat she can launch your Listen to My Life - Life Maps group with two, 2-3 hour sessions or she can just do the first "My Life Now" map as a stand alone tool within the retreat.
If you just want to introduce your ladies to the maps and you want to let them form their own groups, that is fine too. They will get so much out of these sessions regardless of if they do another map. The maps are one of the best Biblical tools for life purpose/life direction that Liz has found. In fact, the whole Spiritual Circle Journal and all God has her doing now came out of completing the maps process herself as she was getting trained to use them with clients. For more information visit the maps website at www.onelifemaps.com.
"Very transformational. This was just what I needed right now."
"Liz was energetic, engaging, and real!!!"
"This is exactly what I have been praying for."
"Life Changing!"
"Applicable for anyone at any age and stage."