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Chicago Area Christian Women Speakers Group
We are a group of Christian speakers whose purpose is to inspire, encourage, and equip women through our gifts, experiences, and faith journey. We all live in the Chicagoland area and surrounding suburbs. Below you will find the members of this group in alphabetical order with a list of topic options.
"These ladies are passionate about the messages God has given them to share. They are women of character who love the Lord with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength. All are moms and have spoken at MOPS/Moms groups, and many have presented at women's ministry events and retreats. You can visit their websites for details about their topics." - Liz Lassa

Becky Baudouin - Author & Speaker
Say What You Mean (Without Being Mean)
Enjoy Every Minute & Other Ridiculous Things We Say to Moms
Lightening the Mother Load
Joyful: Five Things that Steal Our Joy and How We Can Reclaim It
More Love, Less Fear
What’s for Dinner?
Building Strong Marriages That Go the Distance
Finding Joy in the Journey (perfect for retreats and conferences)
Cancer, Faith, and Unexpected Joy

Tricia Clarke - Makeup Artist & Speaker
Jesus and Dry Shampoo
5-Minute-Face (Group Lesson)
Makeup Hot Topics

Alysa Clark - Writer, Speaker, Photographer
Say YES! to Hospitality
Raising Kids With Hearts to Serve

Tina Haisman - Certified Master Life Coach & Speaker
Mindset Reset: How to Alleviate Stress, Stop Negative Spirals and Cultivate Inner Peace (new for 2023!)
How to Communicate So Your Husband Can Hear You
3 Secrets to Feeling Happier Inside and Out

Liz Lassa - Ministry Leader, Journal Creator, Life Purpose Coach, Life MAPS Facilitator & Speaker
Say YES to God!

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